January of Major Change.I started working as a professional health specialist representative with my first local marketing agency. I am covering 2 areas in South Luzon Cavite and Laguna. It was a major major exposure in the Pharmaceutical Industry focusing in the Vaccines Business. This is also the month where I enjoyed my first National Conference in Balai Isabel Talisay, Batangas.
February full of Pressure.Where I experienced disappointments with my performance due to the difficulty of our account.
March of Comeback.Last month of the first quarter where I started to regain my momentum and the drive to push more sales to the company. I started to focus on my TOP Doctors who are the major contributors.
April of Fame and Shock.The month where the flu vaccine was released. Doctors are on the rush to order because they were afraid of having no stocks. So many did there Panic Buying cons increase in our sales and of course hitting our target quota. I was able to sold almost 1.5 Million worth of vaccines during this month. Glad I was the top Performing PHSR in our team :)
Unexpectedly father came home from KSA to settle or to worsen? the gap between him and my mom. I was not happy at all for his early vacation. Why? Because of the discovery that he has a mistress abroad and this is also the month where I used to be the bread winner for them, at least I was able to feel it even for a couple of months.
May of Determination and Hatred.Continuing a good performance is my goal. Yes again for the second time around with the help of the flu vaccine I was able to sold almost a million. Showcasing my talent and aggressiveness in the market is my focus. And for any business Sales is always the priority.This is the month where my polygamous father went back to work in KSA and possibly to be with his mistress again!
June of Multi-Tasking.Balancing my time for work, for my family and also for my partner during that time is the most difficult task that I experienced. Of course I feel like I am Superman during this month. Quota again with my sales and with my love-life? Uh-Oh.
July of Goodbye's.Saying Goodbye with my first company in the industry and with my partner as well.Yes breakup due to family problems and conficts, I thought He will be there for me in times that I need him but its the opposite way. Accepting the decision was hard but I can't do anything about it, the reason for the break-up is that I was not able to give the favor to him. He wants me to be his leave in partner because he is alone in his house. Unfortunately it was against my family and God's will.
The reason for my resignation is that they were not able to give me my incentives for the past 4 months that I was hitting my quota I was not able to receive even a single centavo. So I decided to look for a better one.(Sayang mayaman na sana ako ngayon hihi)
August of Starting All Over Again.Start of my induction training with the multinational company, since I have experienced with Vaccines. So they place my name under their Vaccines Business also. It was a fresh start after break-up. I am enthusiastic and positive this time so I ended up to be the class Salutatorian after a month of training, I remember my high school graduation were I used to be our class Salutatorian as well :) And I started to date someone again to fulfill some of my physiologic and most of my emotional needs. hihi!
September of Disappointment Again?.Yes the result of our agreement with the HR suddenly changed after the training, we are expecting to have a regular position but because the so called expansion was not approved they place almost all of us under the associate or floater position. Sad but in the Pharmaceutical Industry you must keep in mind that change is inevitable. You maybe transferred from one area to another or from one position, vice-versa. October of Hope I am still hoping that I will be given a regular position after the year ends, and Yes my boss called me one day just to say that I was chosen to be transferred to St.Lukes. Uh-oh I was a shock and struck by the news. I am really happy and excited for my appointment in our office, but Change made its way again, It was cancelled for some reasons. I know for a fact that someone is being considered for the post also. And I am correct with my instinct another rep was selected for that position instead of me. Well that's life full of disappointments. So i learned to lessen my expectations this time.
November full of Struggle and Stress.Struggle In our family because the relationship of my mother and my father is not that good. Because polygamous father is not giving what is right to us. Money matters a lot due to our liabilities. And so my mother is crying every night telling me that my father's focus is on his mistress. And my mom is right with her instinct. I text my father for the last time, I told him not to say bad things again to my mother. I am straight forward with my text and I include in it also about his hidden relationship with the mistress. So he called immediately and told me to stop saying those things. That was the very last time I talked to him over the phone. I didn't bother to text him again and even during Christmas Day. I don't want to communicate again with him.
Stress at Work Resignation is on my mind again for the second time around, for some reasons I decided not to continue working with the multinational company due to the inconsistencies within the organization and I don't see my self to be a part of that company for a long time.
Complex December.The last month of 2010 I will not forget you.
Thank you for all the hardships and problems that I encountered.
You made a better and a stronger person.
I thank God for giving me the courage to move on with life and to continue with my goals in life.
I would like to give thanks to my friends for their countless supports and words of encouragement.
I know that problems are temporary and God will not let me face those hurdles if I can't handle it. So I say goodbye to 2010 and Welcome 2011!